
AV Clash

From Create Digital Motion:

What if you could witness the birth of life at a microscopic level in some alternate, digital universe? And what if it made a deliciously-raunchy racket?
That’s the sense I get looking at AVCLASH, a free audiovisual interactive artwork built in Flash that runs in your browser.

Full article:

From CreativeApplications.Net:

AV Clash is a Web-based project by Video Jack (André Carrilho and Nuno Correia, with Gokce Taskan) evolved AVOL – AudioVisual OnLine (2007), which allows the creation of audiovisual compositions, consisting of combinations of sound and audio-reactive animation loops.

Full article:

From The Creators Project:

Fancy turning your browser into a crackling audiovisual clashing of bold colour and whirring bass? Of course you do. For those days when YouTube videos just aren’t cutting it, artists Video Jack have created AV Clash, an in-browser interactive artwork (designed in Flash). The audio-reactive animation loops combine with sounds from to make for an addictive way to annoy your co-workers.

Full article:

From The Awesomer:

This Flash-based interactive artwork lets you create mesmerizing audiovisual compositions which belong on a big screen at a rave.

Full article:

From Gearfuse:

AV Clash lives up to its name, delightfully.
There’s a surprising amount of functionality hidden in those whorls and loops.

Full article:

Other websites that have featured AV Clash:

There was also an active discussion on Twitter around AV Clash. In the month after its launch, I conducted several searches for the project on Twitter. After attempting different search terms, I found that “avclash” and “clash av” retrieved better results. The results have some gaps, overlaps, and non-relevant tweets, but hopefully provide some interesting spontaneous feedback:

In its launch week (22-28/11/2010), AV Clash had more than 3000 visits, from 83 countries (40% of the visits were from the USA).

More on AV Clash:

Master and Margarita

YLE (Finnish national TV) showcased Video Jack in their Pixel show, regarding our Master and Margarita AV performance at PixelAche Festival, Helsinki, 5/April/2009. Video shown is from Heat Seeker.

More on Master and Margarita:


Video and press clippings from AVOL (2008)

Interview on AVOL by André Carrilho to the Portuguese national TV (although video shown is from Heat Seeker):

Press clippings:

More on AVOL:

Heat Seeker

Press clippings and reviews from the “Heat Seeker” CD/DVD launch (2006)

Press clippings from the “Heat Seeker” tour (2007-2008)

In English:

“In the case of Coden, the project of Nuno Correia, the audio CD edition gets truly enriched by the DVD that accompanies it, since it is a VJ version of the Coden tracks, directed by André Carrilho in real time. Don’t miss seeing and hearing it.”
Dance Club, 07/2006

“A brilliant animation work.”
“In the DVD (…) the two arts come side by side, finely dressed for a avant-garde creation, sometimes difficult to decipher, but never unintelligible.”
DN, 28/7/2006

“It’s a contemporary project to pay attention to. Let’s hope they don’t leave the country.”
Elle, 10/2006

“Without noticing it, I was listening to Spider Tree and enjoying it a lot!”
Le Cool, 19/7/2006

“The CD shifts between the warm waters of dub and the couch electronic music from the north of Europe, passing through jazz by the hand of trumpet player Johannes Krieger (from Tora Tora Big Band).”
“‘Crack Pack’ is the most exciting theme and also the most rythmical – the percussion and bass appeal to stomp your feet, while Johannes Krieger’s trumpet emerges, discreetly sexy (it is present in the best moments of the CD, such as ‘Heat Seeker’, where the dub intersects with the jazz and percussion of Semente).”
“Mépris’ is slow motion dub without overdoing the echo.”
“‘O Som dos Instrumentos’ has a clear guitar riff and words that seem stolen from the soundcheck of the concert where the theme was recorded (‘Could you please lower a bit the sound of the instruments?’).”
Público, 18/8/2006

“It’s worth it to travel through this musical and visual universe.”
Umbigo, 9/2006

“Coden is a musical project that also extends to image. Or maybe the order is reversed, things are mingled”
“Image and sound complement each other and ‘Heat Seeker’, Coden’s first album, is released in double edition of CD and DVD so that the experience is more complete and also more adequate to the idea of its creator.”
“The intention of Nuno Correia was to cross electronica with jazz and dub, and all these elements with image. The idea is ambitious, but is successful. ‘Heat Seeker’ is somewhere between the nordic jazz of Nils Petter Molvaet, due essecialy to Johannes Krieger of Tora Tora Big Band, and the minimal dub electronica giving depth to the experience.”
“‘Heat Seeker’ is a good example of the music that exists without almost no one noticing. A sample of creativity and perseverance that enriches the so-called national scene with unusual elements.”
Rádio Oxigénio, 26/7/2006

In Portuguese (original language):

“No caso de Coden, o projecto de Nuno Correia, a edição do CD áudio fica verdadeiramente enriquecida com o DVD que o acompanha já que este é uma versão VJ dos temas de Coden, realizado por André Carrilho em tempo real. Não deixem de ver e ouvir.”
Dance Club, 07/2006

“Um brilhante trabalho a nível de animação.”
“No DVD (…) as duas artes surgem lado a lado, vestidas a rigor para uma criação vanguardista, por vezes difícil de decifrar, mas nunca ininteligível.”
DN, 28/7/2006

“É um projecto contemporâneo a ter em atenção. Esperamos que não fujam do país.”
Elle, 10/2006

“Sem dar por isso estava a ouvir o ‘Spider Tree’ e a gostar muito!”
Le Cool, 19/7/2006

“O disco alterna entre as águas quentes do dub e a electrónica de sofá vinda do norte da Europa, com passagens pelo jazz pela mão do trompetista Johannes Krieger (da Tora Tora Big Band).”
“‘Crack Pack’ é o tema mais excitante e também o mais rítmico – a percussão e o baixo apelam ao bater do pé, enquanto o trompete de Johannes Krieger vai surgindo, discretamente sexy (está presente nos melhores momentos do disco, como ‘Heat Seeker’, em que o dub se intersecta com o jazz e a percussão dos Semente).”
“‘Mépris’ é dub no retardador sem abusar do eco.”
“‘O Som dos Instrumentos’ tem um riff de guitarra límpido e palavras que parecem roubadas ao soundcheck do concerto em que o tema foi gravado (‘Podia baixar um bocadinho o som dos instrumentos?’).”
Público, 18/8/2006

“Vale a pena fazer uma viagem por este universo musical e visual.”
Umbigo, 9/2006

“Coden é um projecto musical que também se estende à imagem. Ou talvez a ordem dos factores esteja inversa, as coisas confundem-se.”
“A imagem e o som completam-se e ‘Heat Seeker’, o álbum de estreia de Coden, sai em edição dupla em CD e DVD para que a experiência seja mais completa e também mais realista ou fiel à ideia do seu criador.”
“A intenção de Nuno Correia era cruzar a electrónica com o jazz, o dub e todos estes elementos com a imagem. A ideia é ambiciosa, mas concretiza-se. ‘Heat Seek’ está algures entre o jazz nórdico de Nils Petter Molvaer, por culpa sobretudo do trompetista Johannes Krieger, da Tora Tora Big Band, e a electrónica minimal de contornos de dub a darem profundidade à experiência.”
“‘Heat Seeker’ é um bom exemplo da música que existe por aí sem que quase ninguém saiba. Uma amostra de criatividade e preserverança que enriquece a dita cena nacional com elementos pouco usuais.”
Rádio Oxigénio, 26/7/2006

More on Heat Seeker: